Preliminary review Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Simulator of the Middle Ages
About impressions from Kingdom Come: Deliverance We talked after the gamemaker. Then the developers themselves showed the game, and if briefly, we liked it, but the grounds for fears also arose: poor facial animation, widespread bugs, an urgent fighting.
Now, after a closed press order, where we ourselves plunged for four hours in the Middle Ages, we can already say with confidence what should be expected from the project Warhorse Studios (However, if you are not familiar with its main idea, we strongly recommend that you read our previous previous preview).
The official trailer for the game.
A little about good ..
Several tasks are open to us. In one of them, we penetrate the monastery in search of a killer hiding in it. It’s not so simple to get there, so we pretend to be a novice and begin the investigation from the inside. So that we are not suspected of unbelief and heresy, we have to follow the charter of the community: get up until dawn and go to morning prayers, eat and work on schedule.
You will have to work literally, and not just rewind time, clicking once on the button.
In our free time, we ask monks and other novices, trying to find our goal. Who to impose, who to blame or substitute – everything is in your hands. The ways of passing the breakthrough, and as a result, both a great detective story and a cruel meat grinder can turn out – if you overcome everyone, the quest will also count.
However, there are so many branches of the development of events that over time the game begins to get confused in itself. For example, a character who, after an open accusation, was offended and does not want to talk to you anymore, after a while, may again greet you as if nothing had happened.
This quest, by the way, takes place in a real place.
The number of variations and the level of study generally amaze. And this is only one task from the whole big game! If the rest of the quests do not give in to this in quality, then she will definitely drag out lovers of the Middle Ages and good stories for a long time.
… and a lot about bad
Another task that was available to us was the assault on the enemy camp. And here the main problems began. To realize the scale of the disaster, we suggest you read the text retelling of one of our passages, recorded almost immediately after death.
The story of one battle
The assault on the enemy camp begins. Two walls, ten by ten, run, collide, a mess begins. At this time, we calmly go around this pile of male, get up behind and just let out arrows or poke with a sword in the back – they don’t even pay attention to us. The enemy group standing in twenty meters, and she certainly sees us, and the mustache will not lead to help comrades until we or our allies will stand up for a certain line.
Further – more interesting. It is necessary to advance a little deep into the branch in order to destroy the same detachment of procrastinating "non -descriptions". After the task is given to return, but – Virgin Games sister sites what would you think?! – Our allied troops not only get up with pillars, but they also sit down to the ground. Of course, until we reach a certain place and attract new enemies, these bastards will not move off the place. If you do not reach this point, but still somewhere along the way to meet the enemy, they will remain to sit down his pants.
This is what the battle will look like if you are wearing a helmet with a hare.
Okay, we miraculously defeat the objectionable and reach this very place-trigger, our allies run to you, and again the same stupid fight begins as at the very beginning. After this skirmish, two friendly soldiers take a log and begin to ram the gate, and we and the remaining infantrymen need to protect them from the waves of enemies. We have not defended the first time, alas.
Which, in a good way, should happen in such a situation? Two other soldiers should fall in their place, and opponents – continue to attack us, as in any normal game. But not at Kingdom Come: Deliverance!
Firstly, the log rolled away, having been wearing the allies from the feet, and the gate nevertheless continued to shudder under the invisible and, of course, useless blows of the ghostly ram. Secondly, enemy infantrymen, like real bots who completed their main task, set off from us! Thirdly, the allied troops under any circumstances did not want to move away from these gates.
As a result, in order to start the next stage, we had to fight with eight remaining opponents ourselves. In a game, where there are already three of them alone it is almost impossible to win. But! This is the KCD demo, everything is more interesting here! Those very enemies who have run away from us do not pay any attention to us if we do not approach them at the distance of an outstretched hand. Whether we shoot at them from onions or not – it does not matter. But at some point, arrows are running out. Hmm. What to do?
Trying to achieve realism, the developers made it so that when they get into a vulnerable place, the bow kills from one or two shots. For the sake of balance, the player was taken away the sight. It’s really difficult to get: at first the hero’s inept is swinging from side to side, and you can’t hold a tendon stretched for a long time. The problem is that all these balanced edits did not affect enemies, with accuracy not inferior to Robin Gud.
Unfortunately, we could not defeat the five remaining opponents of the handle and reach the final duel. Because you know what? During the battle, we could not restore health in any way! At one point, bleeding was hung on us, and you can remove it only in two ways: either to secure the wound on your own or ask an ally.
However, the first option can only be used when you have the right skill. There was no. The game urgently advised us to find an ally who could help with this issue, but the fighting comrades, as you could already guess, did not care about us. They had more important things to sit on the ground.
If you are one on one with an enemy, then it’s really difficult and interesting to fight: stitching and cutting blows, feints, evasion, parrying – techniques are full. The problem is that large -scale battles and sieges of castles that developers boast so, simply do not work with a mechanics designed for a duel. The best option in the end would simply hold on to the allies behind and hope that they will do everything themselves: according to the developers, this option is also thought out.
Let's pay tribute, here again the desire of the developers to make the passage of a variable is manifested. Before the start of the battle, you can deploy a full -scale partisan war: poison half of the enemies or burn their arrows under cover of night. But the hell is it, from the final assault, this still does not save!
This is the same location on which the battle took place, and, as you could see, it did not look so cool.
Even more screenshots from Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Even more video and trailers on Kingdom Come: Deliverance
All the disadvantages noticed by Igomir were also discovered this time. Tobias Stolz-Tsvilling, the PR manager of the studio, told us that the game is already ready and is at the stage of grinding and trapping bugs, which are still depressing a lot: the loss of arrows, bad registration of hits … List a long time. Moreover, in a peaceful aspect, as a simulator of medieval life, Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a great thing, but to go through it, talking teeth to all enemies, it is hardly possible to work.